On 30 January, the Bundestag debated the motion to ban the AfD in plenary. However, it was not put to the vote but referred to the Committee on Internal Affairs. After the elections, the new Bundestag can take up the procedure at any time, but the motion does not oblige the new Bundestag to do anything.
Help to put further pressure on the members of the Bundestag so that the ban of the AfD becomes the number one topic in the election campaign. Use our tool to contact members of the Bundestag, especially those from your constituency or federal state. Are they in favour of banning the AfD and will they actively campaign for it? Use our email template, which you can find via your delegate's contact – feel free to alter it in any way.
Find your delegates by typing in your address OR using the filter function to search by party or federal state.
Do delegates in your constituency take part in campaign events or are there other events or dialogue formats in your constituency in which they take part? Then ask them for their opinion on banning the AfD! Feel free to use our suggestions for questions. Our guidelines are also helpful for conversations with delegates.