join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join!!
Write to Delegates!

Talk to Your Peers
Distribute material

Provide Visibility on Social Media!
Organize Events
Organize a protest
Set up an information stand
Dance the AfD ban

Come to a demonstration
- Order flyers, posters and stickers! +++ Go to shop +++
Join the
We need you! Because only if there are many of us can we successfully build up pressure for a ban on the AfD. Come to our digital meetings (action calls) every 2nd Wednesday of the month and get involved in the campaign!
Get in touch:
AG Public Relations
In order for our campaign to build up pressure, we need to reach as many people as possible. Our public relations working group therefore coordinates our press and social media work.
AG Actions & Delegates
The Actions & MPs working group plans protest actions, creates materials and develops and maintains the mailing tool that you can use to write to your MPs.
AG Networking
The demand for an AfD ban is shared by many initiatives, groups and individuals. Our networking working group links the campaign with these actors.
AG Events
The events working group organizes workshops, panel discussions and other formats to reach as many people as possible in Germany.
AG Finances
The Finance Working Group manages the income and expenditure of our campaign. The AfD finances its agitation with state funds and large donations. We are dependent on many small donations.
AG Research
The AG Recherche collects information about the AfD, works on fundamental legal issues and prepares it for the campaign.
Local Groups
... in Leipzig, Mainz, Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Halle, Kiel, Ruhr area, Göttingen, Hanover, Rostock, Frankfurt, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt and maybe soon in your city? Simply get in touch via