Demonstration von vielen Menschen mit bunten Fahnen vor dem Bundestag.

defend human

  • Order flyers, posters and stickers! +++ Go to shop +++

Afd ban

The AfD is a threat to the lives of everyone who does not fit into its world view. It spreads racist and nationalist ideas, mocks democracy and attacks the rule of law.

Time is running out! Once in power, the AfD would have the opportunity to institutionalise its attacks on human dignity and democracy. Once this point has been reached, it will be much harder to reverse it. That is why we are calling for a ban on the AfD. Join in! Let's exert pressure together!

Call to Action (PDF)
Now it is time for the members of the Bundestag to vote in favour to ban the AfD!

join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join! join!!

Zettel und Stift

Write to Delegates!

Show the policymakers there is widespread support for banning the AfD. Write letters or use our mailing tool to demand that members of the Bundestag vote in favor of the proposed AfD Ban.
Sprechblase mit AfD-Verbot Logo

Talk to Your Peers

Talk to the people you know about the danger the AfD presents and ask them to support the Ban. We have to make it clear the AfD is not a democratic party and we can best sway the opinion of people we know and trust.
Schilder und Aufkleber mit AfD-Verbots-Logo

Distribute material

Order material in our shop and spread the demand for the AfD Ban in your neighborhood, among your friends or at events. Every flyer you distribute and every sticker brings us closer to our goal!
A small donation for building power



Newbie Meeting of the Campaign




11:00 – 12:00


Vigil for an AfD ban now!

Bundestag, Platz der Republik, Berlin



19–20:30 Uhr

Newbie Meeting of the Campaign


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